Code Nation at Mountain View

As part of the Wipro Cares initiative, it was an honor to host the Code Nation team at our Mountain View office. We had the pleasure of interacting with more than 45 students and teachers from SFI (San Francisco International) school during the visit.

The day kicked off with an overview of Wipro along with a highlight of our contributions to communities followed by a tour of SVIC. Thanks to our SVIC team Earl Diaz, Christina Mullins, Vijay Mittimani & Sean Willis for putting together a wonderful and engaging show for the students. This was followed by a panel discussion wherein co-panelists Radhika Aggarwal & Satish Premanathan shared inspirational stories and insights from real life experiences. The team subsequently had a good networking lunch followed by a Design Thinking workshop led by our Designit associates Nirman Bisla and supported by Renee Yu. The logistics for the event was ably supported by Christina Moralez.

A significant amount of effort was spent in planning this event for the last two months. A special thank you to our local team for the wonderful experience provided to Code Nation, and to Raj and Sara Kalvachova for all their support for the event.


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